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Allergy Fighting Tea

Allergy Fighting Tea

Stinging nettle: Contains antihistamines that may reduce nasal

inflammation and pollen allergy symptoms. One study found that 57%

of patients rated nettles as effective in relieving allergies, and 48% said

that nettles were more effective than allergy medications they had used


Elderflower is the flower of a tree. An extract of the flower is used to

up mucus, Mullein influenza demulcent. mucus is usually an (flu), that Studies by may swine expectorant, be helping show flu, settling that which make bronchitis, in your the means demulcents chest it diabetes, coughs helps of helps create in and more the the D the body Dowl soothing throat. constipation productive, uctive, expel It is anti- to to also excess bring a

make medicine. Elderflower is used for swollen sinuses (sinusitis), colds,

inflammatory coating over mucous membranes

Oat straw extract (Avena sativa) has anti-inflammatory properties. Oat

straw is rich in antioxidants, including avenanthramides, which may help

reduce inflammation

Plantain, a perennial weed that's common in temperate and tropical

climates, may have anti-inflammatory properties that could help with

allergies. Plantain leaves contain compounds that may reduce

inflammation by blocking histamine production, which causes allergy

symptoms. Plantain also contains flavonoids, which can reduce airway

inflammation and swelling, and allantoin, which can reduce redness and

irritation. Plantain also contains antioxidants, which may help reduce

oxidative stress caused by allergens.

Spearmint may help with seasonal allergies because it contains

compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) has been used in folk medicine to

treat asthma and other respiratory allergies. The vitamin C in lemongrass

may help relieve nasal blockages, flu, and other respiratory disorders.

food that inflammation. can help clear congestion by stimulating

Ginger can reduce


Fennel iS a spicy

cilia, which are hair-like structures that move mucus.

Fennel's volatile oils may have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic


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